Writing Samples
“From Patient To Supporter” for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
This story was written for the MSF quarterly newsletter ALERT shares the remarkable journey of a doctor whose life was saved by an unlikely intervention when he was working on behalf of the US State Department in Darfur.
“Jade In The Ming/Qing Dynasty” for Christie’s Auction House
This piece was commissioned and put together in collaboration with experts at Christie’s as an informational supplemental for a summer/fall jade objects auction.
Press releases for the ASPCA
As one of the few members of the ASPCA fundraising and development team embedded during law enforcement operations, I was often asked to write press releases and contribute information for the media team.
“New Office Helps Put Legal Resources, Advice Within Reach” for the Queens Chronicle
This story was written for the Queens Chronicle about the “Office of the Self-Represented,” a public resource created to help Queens civil litigants who couldn’t afford to retain an attorney.
“Historic Queens Building In Landmarks Tug-Of-War” for the Queens Chronicle
This article was written for the Queens Chronicle about the ongoing struggles of residents to obtain landmark status for a 19th Century historic bank building in Queens.